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About 70 best locomotive drivers of Kazakhstan have been awarded the industry sign “Қurmetti locomotive mashinisi”
1830 / 15.11.2016 00:00

About 70 best locomotive drivers of Kazakhstan have been awarded the industry sign “Қurmetti locomotive mashinisi”

A badge “Қurmetti locomotive mashinisi” was awarded to the best machinists of the operational locomotive depot of Almaty, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda branches of “KTZ — Freight transportation” JSC. This honorary industry award has been established in the framework of celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan.

This year in KTZh has been declared Year of the engine driver. The Honorary sign is used to award perfect, diligent work to ensure traffic safety on the railroad.

Vice-president of the rolling stock of “KTZ — Freight transportation” JSC Marat Shakenov notes “the importance of Year of the driver in the growth of the profession prestige. Many young people dream of driving a train, linking their fate with the railroad. Those who receive the industry sign “Қurmetti locomotive mashinisi” are a good example for railroad beginners.”

According to him, “on the railway new technologies, modern equipment are introduced and operators need to keep up with innovations in the work up to date, and most importantly, observe the safety requirements.”

During the current year, the sectoral commission has named the best drivers, which are awarded this badge of honor. Awarded railroad workers ensure trouble-free operation, many of them have prevented violations of traffic safety, demonstrated professional excellence.

Top machinists of all other branches of “KTZ — Freight transportation” JSC will receive the badge by the end of November this year.

Press Service
of “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC

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