Adress 010000,Astana city, Kunaeva 6
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8 (7172) 60-32-52
335 / 16.03.2013

Results of the month campaign

A month of labour and industrial safety came to an end in “Locomotive” JSC A month was under the sloga...

255 / 16.03.2013

Forewarned is forearmed

Within the scope of the preparation for spring flood the locomotive crews of Ural operational locomotive depot started to examine a...

284 / 16.03.2013

From a steam engine to Evolution

Aleksandr Semyagin has already been working as an engine driver for 28 years. For this time he had time to drive both a&nbs...

353 / 15.03.2013

“NC “Kazakhstan temir zholy” JSC was awarded with the Prize of III class in the nomination “The best HR-project”

The results of the republican competition among employees “Senim-2012” were announced. According to the results “NC “Kaza...

288 / 14.03.2013

“Autopilot” for an engine driver

There was a test drive of double trains according to the automatic train operation system and regulating traction at the trainin...

227 / 12.03.2013

Kazakhstan locomotive engine drivers are taught new technologies

When modern equipment appeared at the railway road, specialists operating on it have to improve their qualification regularly, i...

297 / 06.03.2013

Employees of “Locomotive” JSC transferred a day income to the families of died railwaymen in Aktyubinsk region

The employees of “Locomotive” JSC transferred a day income to the families of died railwaymen in Aktyubinsk reg...

258 / 04.03.2013

Wear of facilities in the transport infrastructure and transport vehicles of the car fleet varies from 40 to 100% - MTC RK

Wear of facilities in the transport infrastructure and transport vehicles of the car fleet varies from 40 to 100%. This...

255 / 04.03.2013

Ministry of transport and communication of RK proposes to create a new special-purpose model of the railway sector

The Ministry of transport and communication proposes to create a new special-purpose model of the railway sector, informed an&nb...

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