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353 / 29.04.2013

“Locomotive” JSC celebrated the World labour protection day

There was a republic action “Occupational diseases prevention” in all branches and representative offices of “Locom...

279 / 29.04.2013

Supreme leader Nursultan Nazarbayev received the president of “NC “Kazakhstan temir zholy” JSC Askar Mamin

During the meeting Nursultan nazarbayev noted that full-fledged implementation of the industrial and innovative programme depended on the ...

290 / 27.04.2013

Protect your ears and receive treatment!

One the eve of the World labour protection day occupational diseases prevention was discussed in Kostanay operation locomotive depot. ...

279 / 24.04.2013

Trainings for corporate secretaries

Conditions, problems and perspectives of corporate management in Kazakhstan were considered in the course of a two-day repu...

300 / 23.04.2013

There was actualization of the Policy of “Locomotive” JSC in the sphere of IMS

The policy of “Locomotive” JSC in the sphere of integrated management system was actualized in connection with the d...

277 / 22.04.2013

A new appointment in “Locomotive” JSC

The head of labour and salary department Shaldybayeva Almagul Zhanarovna was transferred to the position of the head of the econ...

262 / 19.04.2013

Knowledge of energy efficiency

The employees of the central office in “Locomotive” JSC took part in a three-day training seminar devoted to en...

339 / 18.04.2013

There were fire safety trainings exercises in all locomotive depots of Kazakhstan

There were fire safety training exercises in “Locomotive” JSC, informs the press-service of the company. There were fire s...

301 / 17.04.2013

KTZh concluded more than 150 memorandums of diesel locomotive supplies to CIS markets

“NC “Kazakhstan temirzholy” JSC is going to produce more than 100 new locomotives this year, informed the president...

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