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254 / 22.01.2013

A winter fairy-tale

The past day off the employees of the central office of “Locomotive” JSC spent together with their families outside. The winte...

258 / 22.01.2013

A preventing rational proposal

The heating engineer of Karaganda operational locomotive depot Vladimir Dar together with his colleague, the production and technical departmen...

265 / 19.01.2013

The most important thing is a dialogue!

The meeting of the employees of the enterprise and its veterans with Aykyn Konurov, the Mazhilis of Parlament deputy, the member of&n...

391 / 18.01.2013


The President of “Locomotive” JSC Marat Medeubayev introduced the team of the governing body Ivan Ivanovich Kostyr, who was ap...

523 / 14.11.2012

In Kazakhstan will change the transport legislation

By the Ministry of Transport and Communications was sent to Parliament a draft law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Re...

447 / 13.11.2012

On the basis of KTJ is created the national company that will integrate transportation, ensuring the delivery of goods "door to door"

ASTANA. November 13. KAZINFORM - On the basis of "NC "KTJ " is created the national transportation and logistics company, which will integrate rai...

432 / 12.11.2012

Strengthen knowledge

JSC "Locomotive" pays great attention to the personnel policy of the company and the preparation and training of staff. On an ongoing basis the comp...

448 / 08.11.2012

Elected the leader of the trade union committee of the CA JSC "Locomotive"

In the central apparatus of JSC "Locomotive" was held the report-back election conference of the primary trade union organization. In the course of ...

592 / 06.11.2012

Kazakhstan train driver of TE33A "Evolution" improve their skills on a special training apparatus

In Astana started training courses for drivers-instructors and inspectors on the locomotive safety JSC "Locomotive". This was announced by the press...

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