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“KTZ — Freight transportation” JSC (hereinafter — the Company) announces the suspension for a short term of increase of tariffs for cargo transportation by rail in terms of locomotive traction services for 2017, announced by the Company’s order from December 29, 2016 № 982-SE with the entry into effective from January 10, 2017.
At the present time, given the introduction of amendments and additions to the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28 December 2016 “On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on the issues of competition and state support of housing,” the Company, being a subject of socially significant market, re-applied to the Committee on regulation of natural monopolies and protection of competition of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the request to increase the tariff for cargo transportation by rail in terms of locomotive traction services for 2017
At the same time, we inform about the preservation of the reached agreements tariffs raising for the carriage of goods by rail in terms of locomotive traction services for 2017 in the framework of the inflation level.
The recalculating and refunding of the carriage of goods, carried out from January 10, 2017 until the termination of the Company’s order of December 29, 2016 № 982-GP, will be done.
Hereby it is announced that a standard contract to provide services for customs declaring of goods at the international crossing points for 2017 has been approved.
In order to simplify customs administrating, accelerating the movement of goods and improving the efficiency of freight traffic at the interstate butt crossing points, all stakeholders need to conclude with “KTZ — Freight transportation” JSC a contract for the provision of services for customs declaring of goods.
For all relating issues contact the Department of customs activities and work with public authorities of the Company at the following phone numbers: 8 (7172) 60-31-29, 60-03-29
In pursuance of paragraph 19 of the Plan of measures to simplify customs administration, approved by the Order of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 32-p dated 30.04.2016, regarding the provision of “NC “KTZ” JSC’s acting as a declarant of the customs procedure of customs transit, “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC (hereinafter — the Company) has undertaken the following:
1. has approved the model contract for the provision of customs declaration;
2. has approved the fee amount for customs declaration.
In connection with the above, in order to simplify customs administration, accelerate the movement of cargo and improve the efficiency of freight traffic on the interstate butt crossing points, all stakeholders need to conclude an agreement with the Company to provide services for customs declaration.
For all issues relating contact the Department of customs activities and work with the state bodies of the Company at the following phone 8 (7172) 60-31-29
Model Contract to provide services for customs declaration of goods
Order № 602-GP from 24.10.2016
Order № 614-GP of the year 24.10.2016
To all owners and tenants of cars and containers, freight forwarding organizations, consignors, consignees and other parties involved in the organization of rail-related shipping
In accordance with Chapter 48 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union foreign vehicles of international transportation (cars, containers) are subjected to customs declaration for temporary importation into the customs territory of the Customs Union by carrier’s submitting the customs declaration for the vehicle to the body of the State Revenue (Customs).
Vehicles of international transportation may be imported into the customs territory of the Customs Union only to end or begin international transportation within the time limit set by the customs authority. At that it is allowed to use foreign vehicles in the domestic transportation in the case of a passing pickup within the period of temporary admission.
Prolonged staying of vehicles of international transportation on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan without proper registration in accordance with the selected customs procedure is not allowed.
Chapter 37 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union regulates the customs procedure of temporary importation (admission), under which foreign goods (including vehicles) are used within the prescribed period in the customs territory of the Customs Union with the conditional exemption, full or partial, from the payment of import duties, taxes and without applying non-tariff regulation measures. At the same time the person who has the right for a vehicle on the right of ownership, lease or other legal grounds, submits to the State Revenue Authority together with the customs declaration for the goods a list of documents and information, specified in Article 181 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union.
In view of the above, we notify about the need for timely to re-export previously imported vehicles of international transportation (except for cars and containers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic), if necessary, extend the period of temporary admission at the State Revenue Authority with the provision of supporting documents, or proper customs clearance procedure for temporary importation (admission) with sending to the carrier a copy of the customs declaration for the goods, drawn up by the customs procedure for temporary import (admission) to enter data into the information system.
Violation of the customs legislation, including the untimely re-exportation of the vehicle of international transport, not declaring goods in the prescribed customs procedure, entails bringing to administrative responsibility in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the form of fines and the confiscation of a vehicle of international transportation.
Additionally we notify you that after the expiration of the time of temporary importation vehicles of international transport will not be accepted for carriage laden or unladen before the authority of the State Revenue’s decision on the possibility of export.
To all forwarding organizations
“KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC informs on the termination of receiving applications for the conclusion of contracts on the organization of cargo transportation by rail in intra and international (export-import and transit) traffic for 2016 freight year from November 1, 2016.
To all forwarding organizations
“KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC informs about reception of applications for the conclusion of contracts on the organization of cargo transportation by rail in intrarepublican and international (export-import and transit) traffic for 2017 freight year.
Applications received after December 20, 2016 will be considered in 2017.
A letter of application for the conclusion of contracts on the organization of cargo transportation by rail in intra and international (export-import and transit) traffic is filled on a company letterhead addressed to Executive Director for the integrated planning of “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC Plakhotin E.D.
The letter must specify the contract name, the exact legal and postal addresses, number of the unified personal account (EFC), phone and fax numbers, a mobile phone number of the head of the organization, e-mail address and the name of the organization in Russian (according to the application № 4 OP SMGS).
The following shall be to applied to the letter:
1. an application (sample Appendix № 1);
2. a certificate from the bank on the availability of current accounts (the original for the current date);
3. to conclude a transit contract a certificate of guaranteed volumes of transportation in transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the next freight year, shown monthly, signed by the head of the organization, stamped (sample Appendix № 2);
4. a certificate of a taxpayer of the Republic of Kazakhstan / business identification number - BIN (for legal entities);
5. a certificate of a taxpayer of the Republic of Kazakhstan / individual identification number - IIN (for individuals);
6. notarized copies of constituent documents - the Charter, BIN;
7. copies of the minutes decision of the founder, the order of appointment, the head’s identification card;
8. in the application it is necessary to specify in parentheses the abbreviated name of the forwarding organization in Russian and in the way it will enter the shipping documents according to requirements of the application №4 OP SMGS.
“KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC reserves the right to request additional documents.
Send the set of documents to the group dealing with contracts of the Freight Marketing Department at the following address: 010000, Astana, 6 Kunaev str., block “A”, office 2810.
Contact phone numbers: 60-32-43, 60-32-88, 60-30-32
To all forwarding organizations
In accordance with the decision of the ECE № 196 “On the introduction of mandatory preliminary informing about goods imported into the common customs territory of the Customs Union by railway” from 17.09.2013, and in accordance with Article 55-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On railway transport” from 09.10.15, CU forwarders, authorized economic operators, customs agents, shippers transfer to the carrier information on the goods 4 hours before the arrival of goods at the border station.
To all forwarding organizations (published on 31.08.2016)
“KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC reports that the conversion rate of CHF into USD for the 4th quarter of year 2016 has been set
To all forwarding organizations (published on 26.08.2016)
In accordance with the letter of the Committee of the Organization for Cooperation of Railways of August 16, 2016 № III-055№ ZA /16 “KTZ- Freight transportation” JSC informs about changes and additions to the Single Transit Tariff (STT) with the date of the entry into force on 1 October 2016.
To all forwarding organizations (published on 12.08.2016)
“KTZ- Freight transportation” JSC informs on changes and additions to the International Railway Transit Tariff