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1873 / 18.11.2016

“KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC has been audited

An audit of “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC was conducted in the first decade of November. Experts-auditors checked the Int...

1926 / 15.11.2016

Chairman of the branch of the Trade Union — “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC elected

On November 15 this year Astana hosted the trade union conference of the branch of the public association “Kazakhstan industry ...

1769 / 15.11.2016

About 70 best locomotive drivers of Kazakhstan have been awarded the industry sign “Қurmetti locomotive mashinisi”

A badge “Қurmetti locomotive mashinisi” was awarded to the best machinists of the operational locomotive depot of Almaty, Zham...

1642 / 07.11.2016

Train traffic on the section of Almaty-Otar restored

On the section Almaty-Otar of Almaty branch of road at 14.15 train traffic was restored. At the place of accident ...

296 / 21.09.2015

Traffic safety directly depends on "weather in the house"

In the Pavlodar operational locomotive depot the meeting with the invitation of the second family members — spouses of dri...

362 / 07.07.2015

On conclusion of the transaction in which the JSC "locomotive" there is an interest

At the meeting of the Board of the JSC "Locomotive"(Minutes from May 15, 2015 № 05 / 01) a decision on the conclusion of additional agreement to t...

853 / 23.10.2014

Common problems were discussed

October 22-23 in Turkestan operational locomotive depot was a seminar to exchange experiences, organized for driver-instructor and en...

919 / 16.10.2014

The driver of the locomotive won a victory in competition "Kazaksha soyleyik!"

The assistant driver of a locomotive of operational locomotive depot of Kyzylorda Gennady Shipovskikh became the winner of ...

685 / 29.09.2014

The JSC "Locomotive" reminds children about the rules of safe behavior on the railway

Employees of the JSC “Locomotive” met with pupils of the capital`s schools to tell them the rules of behavior on&nbs...

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