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731 / 23.04.2012

Award for work

The chief specialist of the Office of the locomotive repair organization of JSC "Locomotive" Dmitry Konstantinovich Ryasnov was held in honor on w...

891 / 03.04.2012

Preparations have begun for the summer

From 1 to April 25 at «Locomotive» JSC conducted the spring commission examination. Almost a month locomotive workers will prepare engin...

665 / 31.03.2012

Awarded by diploma

March 22, 2012 in celebration of Nauryz the branch of «Locomotive» JSC – «Zhana-arka operational locomotive depot» was awarded by ...

2589 / 27.03.2012

Someone else's misfortune does not happen

The staff of Almaty operational locomotive depot transferred his one-day salary to the fund affected by the floods in Ordabasy district of South K...

2424 / 27.03.2012

For vigilance

Celebrations on the occasion of Nauryzto staff of the Urals operating locomotive depot - the locomotive engineer Alexander Pruss and his aide Dmitry...

664 / 26.03.2012

Meet the spring

Ancient Turks believed that if you meet the Nauryz right the luck did not leave a whole year. The holiday of spring and renewal, peace and harmony ...

677 / 29.02.2012

Published the text of the collective agreement for 2012-2014

Dear workers of “Locomotive” JSC! The text of the collective agreement for 2012-2014 between the “Locomotive” JSC and the workforce ...

847 / 28.02.2012

Kazakhstan motive-power fleet in 2012 added by new locomotives

This was announced yesterday at the operational meeting at «OC « Kazakstan Temir Joly» JSC by the President of «Locomotive» JSC Marat ...

632 / 03.02.2012

The staff of Locomotive supported by the Head of State

February 2 employees of the central apparatus of JSC "Locomotive" gathered in a conference room to discuss the message of the President of the Repub...

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