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1712 / 19.12.2016 00:00

Youth Affairs Council of “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC introduces the practice of debate

The first training game dealt with the theme “Teambuilding in large companies of Kazakhstan.” The participants of the debate tried to find out whether local companies need teambuilding as a corporate management model that ensures full development of the company.

According to the activists of the Council, teambuilding theme has been chosen for debate on purpose. “The issue of unification and cohesion of employees of ” KTZ-Freight transportation" JSC is the most acute. This is due to the fact that today the Company employs people earlier working in different companies, who are solving now common problems and seeking the same goal with the creation of a new company.“

To participate in the game, which has become a pilot, students — members of the debate club “Parasat” of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University were invited.

The debate tournament was won by the team, which defended the position of the need to use in Kazakhstan companies teambuilding as a personnel management tool. Participants managed to prove that the team construction is directed to the creation of a peer group of specialists of various specializations, collectively responsible for the results of their activities and performing the division of labor within the team on an equal basis.

Youth Affairs Council is planning to hold similar training games regularly, but with the participation of employees of “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC.

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