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The team of “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC has won the Games, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence
1899 / 06.12.2016 00:00

The team of “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC has won the Games, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence

The Games among employees of the central office, branches and subsidiaries of “NC “KTZ” JSC, which have already become traditional, are over. This year the sports games were dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

More than 300 people took part in the Games, held in the period from 12 November to 3 December. The teams competed in five sports: basketball, volleyball, mini-football, table tennis, chess.

Games debutant was the team of “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC, which managed to take the first place in competitions in football, as well as the 3rd place in table tennis.

At the end of the Games in the team event the team of “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC, consisting of 19 people, took the first place.

The second place went to the team of “Militarized railway guard” JSC. The third place was taken by the team of the Central Office of “NC “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” JSC.

The winners of the Games were awarded diplomas, cups and gifts.

It is worth noting that the Games among the national workers of the company is held annually with the aim of introduction of physical culture and sports in the life of railway workers, to promote health and reduce the incidence of workers, stimulate intra-adversarial spirit.

Top athletes will enter the joint team of “NC “KTZ” JSC for further participation in national and international competitions.

Press Service
of “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC

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